dieb 13 was born as dieter kovacic in 1973
since the late 80ies he has worked continuously in rendering cassette players, vinyls, cd's and harddisks into instruments.
since the 1990s, he's been active in vienna's electronic-, improvised and noise music scene.
solo appearances as dieb13, dieb13, dieb14, bot, echelon, dieter bohlen...
permanent collaborations include: RISC, efzeg, erik.M/dieb13, dieb13 vs. takeshi fumimoto, swedish azz, phil minton/dieb13, fake the facs, nu ensemble, crsp
founder of the klingt.orgestra
performances in more than 30 countries on four continents at various international festivals and locations including: phonotaktik wien & new york, wien modern, donaufestival krems, sonicacts amsterdam, beyond innocence osaka, lmc festival london, huddersfield contemporary music festival, kilbi duedingen, maerzmusik berlin, kammermusiktage witten, musiktage donaueschingen, piksel bergen, cmmas morelia, itrans art bozen, great performers an ideas colorado springs, bienale sao paulo.
distributed by 1.8sec, absurd, amoebic, antifrost, charhizma, col legno, corvo, doc, Durian, en/of, editions mego, erstwhile, filmarchiv austria, for4ears, gruenrekorder, grob, hathut, index, interstellar, junkjet, loewenhertz, mego, mikroton, moka bar, nottwo, orf, panrec, pilot.fm, rhiz, sixpack, staalplaat, substance, transacoustic research, the manual, trost, unframed recordings.
music for theater-, dance-, opera-, film- and videoproductions and installations.
(co-)organizer of several festivals and the monthly series "der bloede dritte mittwoch".
runs the internet platform klingt.org